Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mystical Figures of Luis Falero Cross Stitch Patterns

Luis Ricardo Falero (1851-1896) was one of the most original and distinguished artist of that period. His paintings featured mythological or fairy figures. One of his interests was in the supernatural which is clearly manifested in his paintings. For those who love fairy illustrations, you may already be familiar with the Lilly Fairy and Butterfly Fairy paintings, these were relatively easy to interpret into cross stitch patterns.

The more challenging interpretations into cross stitch patterns were the mythological paintings of Luis Falero. These paintings had a large portion of black background with some light color accent on the sides or around the figures. Rather than having the stitcher use black DMC floss to cover the background, the challenge was to use black AIDA cloth instead and interprete the rest of the colors in DMC floss. The finished cross stitch pattern stayed true to the paintings using DMC floss efficiently and effectively.

The more creative cross stitcher can choose to highlight the stars by using Kreinik silver or even beads to dot the areas. These cross stitch projects can truly be an enjoyable experience for the cross stitcher once a bit of creative freedom is presented!

Look for the cross stitch patterns of Luis Ricardo Falero at

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